What is special about this glossary?

Reading and analysis don’t always help in such task. You also need to be familiar with the glossary and all the possible words used in the passage. It is important to note that the authors always use certain logos, pathos and ethos in their writings. First of all, they can be equated with methods of persuasion. These three elements are related to logic, emotions and ethics. In their names they hide the basic principles of the SAT Essay.

If we talk about the Logos, then its main purpose is a conversation about logic or a sense of reason. This is a special connection between the author and the audience.

Obviously, Pathos is related to human emotions. The main goal of it is emotional awakening of the audience. It can be anger, interest, nostalgia, and so on.

Ethos is related to a person’s intention to show and establish their professionalism, which allows them to make certain arguments. This type of persuasion shows the ethical side of the author or writer, who provides information to the audience.

All three elements are interconnected and are a good way to persuade readers and audiences.

We all know that authors use appropriate words that could be perfectly realized in context. It is connected with diction. Mostly the authors use formal diction in various formal texts. If they use casual diction, it means that they want to get closer to their audience. There are many motives for using diction but getting closer to your audience is one of the most important things. The choice of diction depends on the purpose of the author and what they want to convey to the audience. In general, it can be said that the level of formality and informality always differs in different passages.

Metaphorical language and imagery can also be included here. These are special points that are used for a better presentation of ideas and information in the text. Imagery is related to visual details. Quite often they are able to influence a person’s emotions as well as convince them of something. In contrast, metaphorical language is used to create contrast in the text. It includes the use of metaphors, analogies, symbolism, hyperbole, personifications, euphemisms and other artistic means. All of them help to go beyond the literary meaning of the word and give it a new image. The use of such artistic means is a good decision of the author to influence the mind of the reader, their feelings and thoughts.

Features of sentence structure

The structure of sentences is extremely important as it helps to manipulate the audience’s attention. Most often, the authors use a parallel sentence structure. It helps to draw attention to a specific element or moment.

It is worth paying attention to the length of the sentence, as it also has a certain effect on the perception of information. It is considered best to use short sentences because they convey information concisely and clearly. Long sentences are used in more formal writings.

It is also important to choose the right tone of your writing. It shows your attitude to the topic that is described or discussed in the passage. It can be of different types: emotional or sarcastic, funny or personal.  In addition, it is possible to use anecdotes. They are a reflection of the life realities of the author.

And of course, syntax is also one of the most important components of sentence structure. It is a process of creating sentences and selecting the correct language tools. It is a prerequisite for direct impact on the audience.